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Klegghorn's Humor Section

You see an ornery looking human standing in front of you, wearing a brown coat with a silver badge on it. Captain Klegghorn, Anaheim Police Dept. "What the heck are *you* staring at?!?! Haven't you ever seen a police chief before? Anyway, Klegghorn here and I have been *weaseled* into running this darn humor section from "Mighty Ducks: TAS". AND DON'T YOU THINK I'M GOING TO BE FUNNY!!!!"


Wildwing: "See, Dive? Not all humans are bad."

Thrash: "Hey! Who ya calling 'human', bub?"

Mooki: "*tsk* We happen to be alternative life forms in search of cool tatoos and new hair colors not found in nature."

*Thrash, Mooki, and Nosedive walk off*

Wildwing: "I guess birds of a feather really *do* flock together."

--from "The human factor"--

Falcone: "Stand back. . .I'll open this primitive piggy bank in a flash."

Duke: "*hmf* please. . .you couldn't crack your knuckles without setting off an alarm."

Falcone: "Stand back and watch a *real* pro at work."

Duke: "Ahhh. . .let me know when ya need me."

--from "To catch a duck"--

Duke: "C'mon Wildwing! If we hurry we may catch Draguanus as a bonus! . . .uhh, that didn't rhyme."

--from "Buzz Blitzmen"--

Mallory: "Give me that. . ."

Wildwing: "What? You want more target practice?"

Mallory: "No. But the next time Nosedive dumps worms in my boots, I'm going to give him the *fright* of his life."

Duke: "What are you waving that thing at *me* for? I thought he was going to *eat* the worms!"

--from "Duck hard"--

Nosedive: "Hey guys, Big Favor. Pick up my mail, water my plants...oh and one more thing, HELP!!!!"

Mallory: "I don't know which is worse, the fact that Aniheim is being attacked by dinosaurs or the fact that you have a code for it."

Grin: "If you don't find inlightenment and learn to helpyour fellow man, I am gonna rearrange your face."

Tanya:"But were almost out of fuel we have......um...Like none."

Duke: "Eh, Don't worry about it kid, we're not even sure Phil *is* Human."

Top ten ways the Drake1 could go down

10. Dragaunus e-mailed the ducks a "Time Bomb" Virus
9. Hacked by Chicago Blackawk fans.
8. Grin used it to try to find out the sound of one hand clapping
7. YK2 bug (aaaaaahhhh!!!!!)
6. Dragaunus annonymously sent the ducks a copy of Windows 98 "This program has performed an illegal operation and will be shut down"
5. Five minutes later, Bill Gates arrived on the Ducks' doorstep with an army of lawyers looking for pirated software.
4. Duke wasn't paying attention and shoved a floppy into A: drive, backwards...
3.Tanya accidently dropped her omni-tool into the main generator.
2. Nosedive overloaded it, playing too many video games.
1. And the number one reason....Mallory! (Need we say more?)
by Calista Acarya