Hullo! Welcome to Cool as Ice's General, All purposes FAQ! This is because I find myself answering at least two or three e-mails a day, explaining many of the same things. These are all based off of real question, I tend to get an awful lot. I've no doubt that I will be adding new ones in here alot :P Please read this through completely before emailing me with a question ;)
1. Cool! Can I send in some of my Mighty Duck Artwork to put on your site?
The answer, most likely would be yes, but you do need to follow some guidelines. Most importantly, it has to be suitible for a Disney style audience (No excessive blood, gore, nudity, kinkyness allowed) Your pictures have to be in one of two formats .jpg or.gif. It would be nice if the pics could be kept around 100k in size, but it's not a requirement.
2. Okay, I've sent you some pictures, but how come I don't have a page of my own?
To get your own page, you have to have alot of pictures, this number ranges from six to ten pictures. I'll make a seperate page for some people when they only have six drawings, but only if I know they are going to be submitting more in the future.
3. Alright...I have some fanfiction, can I post that too? Or do I need to submit a profile too?
Your fanfiction should be acceptable as long as it's suitible for a Disney audience. You don't need to submit a profile to put your fanfiction up, nor do you need to have fanfiction up to submit a profile. Same thing with art, you can choose to do one, or two, or all.
4. Why do some people get backgrounds for their profiles, and others don't?
To get a background for a profile, you have to find one and send it to me yourself, I'm too busy to go hunting ones down for you ;) Background smust be in either .jpg or .gif formats, and have to be a reasonable size.
5. Okay! I sent in my submission a few days ago! How come it isn't up yet?
Most likely...real life, which I do mantain a little better then I mantain my websites at the moment. Sometimes I update right away, other times I won't update for a week to ten days, it all depends on how much stuff is sent to me, and how much free time I have. If I've updated since you've sent me your stuff, it could be that I didn't get it before I updated, or it may not have come through, it's a good idea to leave a message on my message board, so I can check it out!
6. What do you use to color?
For computer coloring, I'm currently using Photoshop 5.5, a Wacom Tablet, and one day Photoshop 6.0 when I can snag a copy! It's an expensive program, so chances are, unless you've got a good job, or are really good at begging your parents, you'll have to settle for a lesser program to start out with. For More traditional coloring, I use Prismacolor Color pencils, they should be available in box sets at and good Art store, or office supply store. Be warned, these are also very expensive. Other materials I use are. Windsor Newton Water colors, the occaisional Watercolor pencil, gel pens, whatever I think will work with whatever pic I'm working on.
7. Can you teach me how to do that?
Sorry..not really :P If it's something specific I've done, you can e-mail me and ask me how I did it, and I'll write a tutorial on it if I get enough requests. But remember, I'll only be able to tell you HOW to do it, if it's a photoshop technique, and you don't have photoshop... Sorry :/
8. Can you help me make/redesign a website?
No longer for free. I might be open to an offer of barter (Trading me something or doing a service for me) Or for a fee. But I don't have time to do these for free any longer.
9. I've drawn this picture! Do you think you could color it for me?
Sometimes I will color pictures on the computer for other people, but I usually have to look at the pic and okay it first. If I'm not busy, I may do it for free. If I do have alot of stuff on the table, I'll probably have to do a pic trade or charge five dollars for the pic, depending on it's complexity.
10. Ack! What happened to your commisions??
I'm charging now! Aaaah! The Horror! Detailed information can be found at
However, I'll still do pic trades ;D
11. you're charging now... I don't want to buy one, are there other ways of getting a picture?
There are still a few ways to get a pic from me.
I can come to you and offer to do one for you.
You can win a free commission from me in my contest (When I'm having one, that is.)
If I know you, I may or may not draw you a pic for your birthday.
And I'm open to pic trades, or other types of barter ;)
12. I really like your pictures tho! Can I put some on my website?
Sure, let me know where they are going, and make sure to include a link back to me. If I've drawn a picture for you, or if it was commissioned, you're always free to take and put it on your site without asking, a link back would be appreciated tho :)
13. I'm confused...who runs this site? Calista? Seline? Both of them? who else is in on this that I don't know??
This confusion is most likely on my (Calista) part. This site was first started as a joint site called #Mighty_ducks between Seline and myself. It lasted like that for about six months, before Seline became too busy to make regular updates and it was turned over to me. I moved it, renamed it, redesigned it and opened it in it's new form as an Archive site for everyone. She no longer has access to the page or it's files, as she is super busy with her own webpage The Multiverse. Seline DID help create the original site and put alot of hard work into it the first six months she was here, that's why she deserves to have her name up on the creators page :) As for people with access to it now.. I have access (Well...d'uh ;) Emily helped me out for a long time. THANK YOU EMILY!! All bow down to her! But now that it's all on my own domain, I may or may not allow anyone else access to it, so for right now, it's all me..
14. So what IS this #Mighty_Ducks I keep seeing? How can I get there?
#Mighty_Ducks is a chat room on IRC, so if your asked if you go there, we mean the chat ;) More info on the actual chat and how to get there can be found in The Official #Mighty_Ducks Homepage Generally, it's a place for people to meet in real time to chat and roleplay the Mighty Ducks. Or the case may be ;)
15. Okay, more personal type questions, how old are you, how long have you been drawing, do you/will you work for Disney, why don't you write fanfiction and what the heck is that Grey Day 2000 button I keep seeing!?
I was born in 1980, and that's all the detail your getting from me right now ;) I've been scribbling on things most of my life, like most kids do, but I think I really started trying to draw in May 98, then when I saw how bad I was, I quit immediately, to try it again in July of the same year sometime! Do I work for Disney? No. Will I work for Disney? No. Maybe... ;) Animation is fun as a character animator, but I'd rather be a concept/visual development artist, so The Mouse house is an option, but I love comics too, and webdesign, and illustration, and heck, I could even go for advertising! I just really don't know where my future lies yet, but it WILL have something to do with art, you can bet on that :) As of right now, I'm considering applying at Hallmark, but then I'm afraid I really MIGHT get a job there, and I'll have to move ;) I do write fanfiction, but I am tied up with a few original projects now. However, I did just start work on an MD fic, and will maybe have it by Febuary 2001 sometime..hopefully. I am involved in a few co-writes tho, and I have no doubt that those will be popping up sooner..maybe later, as time is the one big thing that keeps me from writing. And That Grey Day button...Click it and find out! Thats what it's there for!
Still have a question? Email me at, and I'll try and answer it for you ;)