So, you're interested in Joining MDMuck. Cool! There's just a few things you'll needto know before applying. More rules and stuff with be added as they come up.
1. Please, no one under the age of thirteen without some kind of signed parental permission. It's kind of against the law for me to ask the information needed to create a character.
2. 'Core' Characters, such as Mallory, Duke, Dragaunus, and other mainstream characters, are given out through an application process only. We want to make sure that the people selecting these characters, will be playing them 'In Character' and spending at least an hour or so a day online.
3. NO BASHING. That means don't runaround saying you hate this character, or you hate that character, or a certain person/species. Everyone has their own opinions and are entitled to them, just don't let your opinion become abusive to others.
4. Absolutely no Cybering. I'd like to keep this as a PG-13 environment. Suitible for people of all ages.
5. Each person is allowed THREE Characters. Only one of the three may posess magic, unless it's a special case. Even then, magic characters are granted with certain restrictions.
6. Building is monitored. If you want to build, you must do so in the same format as the rest of the muck. And any room made for public use, could be subject to additions or changes by th staff (Doubtful, but this has to go here.)