Connecting to the Muck

Right now, there are no apllication forms set up, so you have to manually copy and paste this page into an e-mail, and send it off to me. Please, title the e-mail 'MDMuck application' No requests for any of the Original ducks are being considered at the time of writing this, when I figure out a system for accepting them, I'll let people know.

Mail all of this information to MDMuck Casting.

1. Character Name:

2. Is this Character a Magic User?

3. Do you already have a character on this Muck?

4. Where did you hear about us?

5. Please give a description of your character's History, abilities, and any other information you think would be helpful.

You can return to the Home page here!

MDmuck, all artwork on this page, including the page graphics are © 2000, 2001 to Michelle Latta, unless otherwise noted. (This includes page html, content, even the little period at the end of this sentence.) The Mighty Ducks are © Disney Studios All characters are copyright to their respective owners. Nothing may be taken, reproduced, re-posted or otherwise mangled without permission.