Kit Valentine IcefireHepburnDeCaine


Nicknames: Icefire, Kitten, Pint sized pixie, that-totally-out-of-control-cheerio-pepsi-crazed-kid, Miss little chili pepper.

Age:18(She skipped 5000 years kinda!)

Height: Just barely 5'1, 5'2 wearing shoe.S

Position:CENTER all the way, but is a great goalie, however don't ask unlessyar suicidal. She also plays other positions.

Number:52 (Lucky number ya know!)

Description: Kit has long wavy black hair that goes a little past her waist, it is parted far to the right and goes about half way over her right eye. She has pitch black feathers, very rare. Her eyes are wide almond shaped bright emerald green that glow when in battle or when she's using her magic. she's more trim than shapley, but is rather short, comes up to about to Nosedive's chin or the middle of Duke's chest (They LUV teasing her about that, of course, they never live long enough to regret it!) but is in great condition, like the best any one could be in.

Accent:Perky Texan.

Personality: Um, okay. On the outside, Kit is a loveable, totally annoying at times prank playing girl. ON THE OUTSIDE, that is. Kit has very little belife in herself, but ya'd never know to see her. If something goes wrong, inside she blames herself for it. She has a tough interior, having grown up in the back allies of Sacromento, she is very streetwise, and a very scared person inside. She knows that most people hate or fear other people different from them, and Kit is unlike any other person. She gets hurt. She can not resis a dare, and tends to get a lot of broken bones. And Scars! She was small growing up, so she got picked on a lot and beat up. Some how that got to her subconiouss that people will always hurt her, and she flinces when peole touch her, her mind thinking that they may hurt her. It's impossible to get to her inside, past all her hyperness and toughness, in fact, it's impossible. She has a big heart, and looks out for other people. And her little temper tandrums about dresses………

History:5018 years ago, Dragonvas attacked Puckworld for the first time. Drake DeCaine was uninvolved until his wife Icefire was killed in an unfair magical combat with Wraith and Nastinya, (another female traitor, only one with magic and power), them WHAM! You can guess what happened. He and his oldest son, Wildfire (Whom Wildwing and Nosedive are descended from) kicked their butts outa there. A week after, Drake took a fighter out to make sure everything was okay. What he didn't see was his youngest daughter Kit sneak aboard. And the Smarins had left a little surprise for him. A portal flung him through time and space to Earth, Sacramento, 11 years before the Mighty Ducks came. But there was some thing wrong. He discovered Kit, but with her memory gone. A box had hit her on the head, causing her to lose her memory, which over the years slowly came back in dreams. He used Kit's inherited magic to desicsed them as humans and changed his name to David Icefire, in honor of his best friend and his wife who had both died during the invasion. As a small undersized kid, Kit grew up on the backstreets of Sacromento, coming home often with a eye, brusies, or worsest. It wasn't that she couldn't protect herself, she just didn't know how too. One night, getting her reguler beating from a gang, she met Jeff and Jared DeVan for the first time. Jeff was also a lonner, and took care of his little brother, Jared, whom was about Kit'a age. However, Jeff was a theif. It's was the only way her could suprot his younger brother, but kept his brother Jared going to school and staying clean. Jeff liked thew tiny girl, and started to look out for her. And you didn't mess with anyone Jeff DeVan looked out for, not unless, you were suicidle. Kit and Jared were both trained to be theivies, never actually doing it, just being trained. When she was about tewn, two, three years later, Jeff was killed in a gang fight. That week, Kit's father got a job finailly and they moved out of that part of Scarmento, into a nicer part. There Kit met Tearia Hepburn, and the two became best friends. Tearia got Kit into horses, gymnastics and hockey, all of which Kit had a real talent for. In seventh grade, Tearia was killed in a gymnastics accadenit and Kit had to have surgery. Kit almost died then, Tearia did. After that, Kit shut herself off to feelings, but putting up a cheerful, hyper exterior, to fool people. That same year she met up again with her best friend Jared, and the two were inserpertiable. Jared was the only one Kit ever opened up to, because he was the same way, shut off from the world by his brother's death. Later in school Kit Met Brian and Rayan Hepburn, the older brothers of Tearia, twins. Her and Jar struck up a friendship with Rayan and Brian, whom were six years older than them…….and trillionsheirs, the sons of the world's second richest man, William Hepburn. She also met Jacob. She was 14 when she met Jacob, and feel in love with him at first sight. They went out together for a year, and then he dumped her. Kit, hurt and betrayed, got even farther away from people, and soon even Jared had a hard time getting her to open up. When Kit was 15, Her father and Godfather, Andy Somesons (Couch and manager of the Sacramento Seahawks, the team that Drake (David then) played goalie and was captain of) were killed in a plane crash. She consitered suicibe then, because everything was agaienst her, it seemed. And, her old and worst enamy from Sacrometo had showed up, wanting revange. Jahamos, leader of the Cobras, a gang back in Sacromento, and the one whom had killed Jeff. And he hated Kit with all his guts. But he also disired her, his one goal, rape her, then kill her. Not a nice person. Jared saved her. Some how he pulled his bestest friend out of it and broght her back to the real world. She was sent to an Orphanage until Rayan and Brian's father, Mr. William Hepburn, adopted her. But a year latter, Mr. Hepburn had a heart attack and died, leaving his two 24 year old sons in charge of his wealth……and Kit. Kit was put in their charge with a trust that she would get when she was 22. Kit felt horrible. Two dads in one year! But she refused to show her feelings, preferring to be alone with them. Later, through a chain of events (Which I'm not going to reveal!) she met the Mighty Ducks and learned who she really was. What'd a shocker!Kit has never told anyone her whole past, and never will, most likely.

Battle Gear:: Kit uses her magic, but also uses her saber, which Her teacher Nemo Moochase taught her. Her saber is black with a emerald crescent moon on the hilt.
Attire: Kit changes between a long sleeved, high necked black jumpsuit, and a short sleeved version of the above. She wears wrist length green gloves, knee high silver musketeer boots with green buckles, a green low slung belt with a black stone on the middle, with a black line going around the middle of the belt. A silver band high on each arm, with her black saber on the right band, being left handed. On her forehead, a green head band with an emerald in the middle. And always, always a silver ring on her middle finger of her left hand. In warm weather, she sometimes wears a emerald green high necked, no sleeved jumpsuit, high black heel-less boots, and silver bands on each arm, with her head band. And a low slung black belt with a brown pouch on the left side. For casual, Kit wears black flair jeans, an emerald green halter-top and a black leather jacket with black sneakers. Or pair of black jeans with a green button-down shirt and a black vest with a black cowboy hat and black cowboy boots under the pants, or whatever she can find. Never a skirt or a dress hating both with a passion!

Good things: Kit can be really sweet and sensitive, she's the one everyone goes to when they want pity or cheering up, but she NEVER babies people. She comes up with good plans, only, they're usually for playing a prank or getting revenge. (Would that be under bad things?) She's a good fighter, some one you'll want to have at your back in a fight, she's not afraid of many things and she's very open minded and it takes a lot for her to trust you, but once she does, NOTHING will make her ever forsake you if you're in trouble or need help.

Bad Things: No confidence in herself, feels people will always hurt her, never states her true feelings, and is a very privet person. And dat temper of hers, ayi!

Likes: : Pepsi. And sugar. And horses. Her three very favorite things. Okay. Okay, okay, she loves country music, horses, people who know how to take a joke, pepsi and caffeine, her best, best friend Jared DeVan, annoying people, being hyper, horses, her teacher Nemo Moonchase (Not that way! As a good friend!) horses, just about any physical activity, and horses:) She also loves doing dangerous stuff and watching people get paniked yelling, "KIT! Ya blasted fool, get down before ya break yar blasted neck!" She also won't admit it to herself, or doesn't trust herself to admit it, but she like Duke L'Orange. And not as a friend…………..

Dislikes: Dresses! She hates dresses with a passion! She also dislikes people prying into her past, she hates people yelling at her, babying her, or trying to protect her. Again, Dresses! And being cocced up inside. She also dislikes people cussing. Whenever someone does that, she tends to grabb her duct tape, a bar of soap, shove the soap in their mouth and duct tape it shut.

Teacher: Nemo Moonchase is teaching, or finishing the rest of her theif training, but Kit just learns it, never using it for bad. She does have a conious, ya know.

Family: (Living)(Living) Wildwing and Nosedive (Her cousins) Skygem (Her older twin sister who has another story!) and her adopted human brothers, Rayan and Brian Hepburn. (Dead) Her dad Drake DeCaine, her mom Icefire DeCaine, her older REAL brother, Wildfire DeCaine. (But after the Smarins and his father and little sisters disappeared, he changed his last name to McDrake.)

Pets: Corky, her black Arabian stallion and Duchess, her black kitten that Duke got her. (Duchess is SOOOOO CUTE!)

Looks up to: Everyone on the team, but Wildwing, Duke and her teacher Nemo are the ones she looks up to the most.

Faith: Christian

Sports hero: WayneGlansky

Quotes:Nosedive: Hey bro, who's the babe?!
Kit: Call me that again 'n ya won't live taregret it!
Dresses are so impartial, ya know? Ya just can'tdo ANY THING in them!
When ya got a total nuts billionaire for a bro 'nbest bud, ya learn ta be prepared for anythin', 'n I mean ANYTHIN'!
Don't ever call me short stuff again unless yar suicidal.
(Scene: First day of training with the duck saber.) Kit: Umm,Duke?
Duke: Yeah Icefire?
Kit: Can I ask ya a question?
Duke: Shoot.

Kit: I still don't see why I have talearned dis.
Duke: Come on, yar doin' great, beautiful.
Kit: Ahh, now I see. Feel like a hair cut L'Orange?!

Things said of her:
Duke: Cute kid.
Nosedive: Yeah, just don't let her hear ya call her that.

She's … different.
Scary, but funny and cool.
With her around, I fear this will soon be a dangerous placeto be.
Nosedive: YESSSSSS! Someone to help me play tricks on Mal!

Mallory: She's my kindda girl! Look at that firepower!
Nosedive: Uh, oh! Now we're really in for it! WE'RE ALL GOINTO DIIIEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!

Write up by Kit, pic by Kit, Character, Story, Ideas © To Kit DeCaine/Xalan Nothing may be taken, reproduced, or otherwise mangled without permission.

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